[gmap address=”Brisbane City, Australia” zoom=”14″ height=”400″]

[row class=”mt-4″]
[grid][gmap address=”Sydney, Australia” zoom=”10″ height=”300″][/grid]
[grid][gmap address=”Melbourne, Australia” zoom=”5″ height=”300″][/grid]

Insert Map Shortcode

How to insert a Map

Google Maps can be added in the visual editor “Insert Shortcode” dropdown.

  1. Click the icon and go to Media > Google Map to bring up the map shortcode insert window.
  2. Add your address to center and marker the map.
  3. Choose the zoomed in level and height of the map.
  4. Click OK to insert the shortcode on the page.

Note: There are more options to further customize the map shortcode in the Tri Maps Documentation.